“Where’s Benji?”
“No idea. Maybe he ran off.”
I turned to my MIL, sprawling out on the couch. “Where is my cat?”
She laughed. “I did what was necessary and freed you. You’re obsessed with that stray like it’s your child. It’s pathetic. Now, maybe you can focus on your real family by giving us grandkids.”
I turned to my husband. “You let this happen?!”
He shrugged. “You needed to move on.”
Before I could explode, my neighbor Lisa waved at me through the window and knocked the door, I went out.
She walked up to me and held out her phone. “I saw your MIL with Benji… You might want to see this first.”
I took one look at the screen — NO WAY
After a trip, I returned to find my mother-in-law, Carol, had “freed” me from my beloved cat, Benji. She claimed I was obsessed with him and needed to focus on starting a family, but thanks to my neighbor Lisa, I got Benji back and found the strength to confront my useless husband.
Carol had given Benji to my high school bully, Samantha, under the guise of a gift. Lisa recorded it all, showing Carol delivering Benji to Samantha’s townhouse. Armed with the video, I confronted Carol and John, demanding to know where my cat was. I retrieved Benji from Samantha after threatening to expose her and Carol’s involvement online.
Back home, I told Carol and John to leave, revealing that the house was in my name alone, and John had been hiding his gambling from her. I filed for divorce and reclaimed my life, with Benji by my side, ready for a fresh start.