Stop Buying Tomatoes. Use These 4 Smart Methods To Grow An Endless Supply

Tomatoes are versatile and can enhance meals like soups, pastas, salsas, and chilis. Growing your own can save money and improve flavor. While planting seedlings is common, there are creative ways to ensure a steady supply:

1. Bury Tomato Slices
Slice an overripe tomato and place the pieces on potting soil in a large container. Cover lightly with soil, water, and wait a week for seeds to germinate. Thin out weaker seedlings, leaving the strongest to grow.

2. Plant in the Ground
If you have space and sunlight, planting directly in the ground boosts harvests and reduces watering needs. Protect plants from deer and rabbits.

3. Use a Window Box
A window box with at least 1.5 liters of soil is great for smaller tomato varieties. Support plants with a string trellis for compact gardening.

4. Try Hanging Baskets
Perfect for small spaces, hanging baskets suit cascade cherry tomatoes. Keep in mind they need frequent watering due to faster evaporation.

Choose the method that fits your space and enjoy fresh, homegrown tomatoes year-round!